Carly Catastrophe

So, I’ll start with the back story. I went to Pittsburgh this past weekend to visit my best friend. Considering it was last minute and I am constantly broke, I took  a greyhound bus. It wasn’t too bad, my mom drove us everywhere when I was younger so I pretty much love ground travel. But anyway, from Pittsburgh t0 Columbus I was seated behind two soldiers who were talking loudly enough that I could gather they were fairly conservative. The conversation consisted of topics such as how Rush Limbaugh is brilliant, how good ole Dubya was a great president for outlawing partial birth abortion, and how one had recently learned of an abortion his mother had in college and had responded by punching her in the face. With that, I give you my open letter to the idiots I was sitting behind on the bus.


Dear Idiots on the Greyhound,


Let me start by saying that Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot. I don’t think I need elaborate but if you’re interested, there’s actually a book titled Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. I’m sure you can find it in your local book store.

Now on to Good Ole Georgie. First off, I can’t imagine outlawing partial birth abortion to be enough to make up for the war, the economy, the patriot act, and the rest of the world’s over all negative view of the US.  That being said, let me start by saying that a president can’t just outlaw something. It has to go to the house of reps and the senate before it becomes a law. And on top of that, the punishment for a doctor caught performing a partial birth abortion is a fine or a maximum of 2 years in prison. A fine and or 2 years is hardly a deterrent, a person goes to jail longer for having “relations” with a house pet.

While we’re on the topic of abortion, I’d like to say how confusing it is to me that one can be both pro life and pro war. War is very anti life. Perhaps even pro death if you will. Explain if you would why it is ok to kill people over seas but not unborn children in the states. Is it that the people you kill in Iraq are already born? Or is it that they aren’t American? Either way, it seems sick and odd to me that the value of life is greater if one is either a. unborn or b. an American.

Also, you both went on at great lengths about one night stands you’d had. About coming back from Iraq and going to the bar and as you so eloquently put it, “fucking whoever wanted to fuck you”. It would seem to me that a woman who gets pregnant during a one night stand would be more likely to have an abortion considering she doesn’t have any clue  where to find the father of her baby. And so, it seems unjust to me that you expect a woman to have drunken meaningless sex with you and then take care of the baby you may leave them with.

I’ll end by addressing the comment one of you made about punching your mother in the face when you learned of the abortion she’d had before you were born. I understand your anger. I’m sure your mother understands your anger. But have you even for a moment thought of the pain the abortion caused and is still causing her? Abortion is a horrible thing. And the women who go through it often suffer for the rest of their lives as a result. She’s your mother and while you have every right to be angry, she has every right to be respected. You are even more proof to me how much the world could use just a bit more compassion.

et cetera